
eBook - Kaplan TOEFL Paper-and-Pencil

OOPS: I made a mistake; it was not this Kaplan book I was thinking of. It was TOEFL Exam Success.

Been a bit inactive lately, so here's a quick post on an eBook: Kaplan TOEFL Paper-and-Pencil, 3rd Ed

A handy book for my classes as (so far) the only TOEFL option they've had at our university is the Paper-and-Pencil Institutional TOEFL (TOEFL-ITP).

I like how the book doesn't just have an answer key at the back but also explanations on what's correct and incorrect.

Kaplan TOEFL Paper-and-Pencil, 3rd Ed


Fast Tracker 1 said...

I saw on a slightly older post on Mozealous (articulate) that you were considering using Amazon Web Services to host an LMS or moodle. You ever do that?

G.A.L.E.S.L. said...

no, I never got round to that (still some confusion with my partners what exactly we want our business model to be) but I'm still intrigued by the idea. If I ever find out more, I'll post.

Anonymous said...

TOEFL Paper and Pencil is best book for TOEFL.